Monday, January 6, 2014

Happy New Year!!

Hello family & friends,

Happy New Year! It's cold here in NYC but not as cold as some places! We are planning on hunkering down for the next few days while the bitter cold passes through.

I want to start blogging more in the new year. So here I go!

I am currently back to babysitting, 4 times a week, all at night, so I have my days free. The office job just wasn't for me! I realized  "once a freelancer, always a freelancer", which is fine because it gives me time to do the things I really want to accomplish. I'm working on getting back into video editing. Also, for Christmas, my family bought Tim & I this amazing camera so I'm looking forward to getting back into photography too!! As soon as it warms up a bit, Tim & I are planning on doing his new head shots! I've very excited about the camera because it's a legit camera & not just a point and shoot!

Tim has been busy working on different projects! He's much better at updating his actor blog! Check him out here:

I've made a list of things I want to accomplish in 2014. The month of January I am purging & organizing the apartment. This past weekend I went through all of our shoes & all of my T-shirts (I have a lot!!) Maybe I'll blog on how I'm doing this. The only thing that stinks is that our one and only laptop died a few weeks before Christmas & so we have just been using our phones! I'm currently typing this on my iPhone. I'm not sure how effected (or is it affected? I never know!) this will be over the phone!! If anyone knows how we can get money for a MacBook sooner than later, please let me know! It's been hard not having a computer!! #firstworldproblems

Anyways, JANUARY is Get Organized & Get Rid of Useless Crap month!!!!
So far:
1) 12 pairs of shoes
2) 8 t-shirts
3) old George Forman grill
4) old & useless bed sheets

More tomorrow! I'm working off this list...not necessary in order though!

Some of these I can eliminate since some of the don't apply to us, but I do think it's very helpful! Tomorrow I'm thinking of tackling my closet & under the bed! Not sure what's under there. I am thinking of going through it and labeling it all!! Yes, that's kind of OCD of me but why not!?! I'd love to get all these stuff organized while I'm not as busy! 

What kind of things do you do to keep organized???

Till next time,

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